The aim of the P&C is to promote community engagement between parents and the school through opportunities to participate in a variety of activities and events. The P&C also provides financial assistance to the school through contributions to a variety of projects, such as fundraisers and annual events. All members of the school community are welcome to attend, although voting at meetings is limited to financial and ex-officio members. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month during a school term, at 7pm in the school staffroom. Office bearers are elected at the annual general meeting, which must be held within four months of the end of the financial year (31 December). If you are interested in becoming a P&C Committee Member, please contact our President, Kirstie or our secretary, Kelly (contact details below). Harrisdale Primary School P&C Committee Members 2017 President              Kirstie Cornwill                                          [email protected] Vice President     Mel Magini Treasurer             Stacey Haragan Secretary              Kelly Lacquiere                           [email protected] Executive Positions Taryn Ihanimo Denise Lane Karen Coates Fundraising Melissa Magini Taryn Ihanimo Sandra Young Renae Gibson School Banking Vincent Pang School Renee Kemp Scholastic Renae Gibson Financial  Jayesha Dias Joanne Barnes Arlene Hand Lorraine Churchward Tanya Andrews Sharon He Nora Pawlicka Sheree Bertram Jasmina Paskova Kate Rossi Sports Karen Coates Functions of the P&C Encourage parents to participate in developing the school’s educational policy. Develop parent participation and involvement in the school. Act as the forum for parents to discuss issues pertaining to the school and its community and for gathering opinions. Promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community. Bring educational matters to the attention of the wider community. Have representation on the School Council and the local District Council of P&C Associations. Provide extra resources for the benefit of government school students. P&C Minutes

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P&C President’s Report – March 2019 P&C Fundraising Report – April 2019 P&C Principal’s Report – April 2019 P&C Minutes – April 2019 P&C Minutes – June 2019

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