Your Move

We are a member of the Your Move Schools program.

Your Move encourages students and their families to get active by walking, scooting and riding to school. Making a small behavioural change a few times a week can result in huge benefits for your child and the community, including:

  • Reduced congestion, travel times and parking problems around schools;

  • Improved safety for everyone at drop-off and pick-up times;

  • Reduced carbon dioxide emissions around the school;

  • Lifelong improved health and emotional well-being due to instilling positive exercise habits at a young age;

  • Improved concentration and academic performance;

  • More sustainable and cost-effective transport outcomes, such as reducing the need for investment in parking that may only be utilised for a short period each day, and reduced road infrastructure maintenance costs.

We earn Your Move points by posting stories and photos of our active transport adventures on the website; these can translate into grants to fund active transport facilities and activities for the school and other rewards. 

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