Health & Physical Education
The Harrisdale Primary School Health and Physical Education Program (HPE) enables students to engage in a variety of learning activities to increase their knowledge of healthy lifestyles, well-being and physical fitness. As a result of participating in HPE students will have the opportunity to:
- Demonstrate motor and fundamental movement skills to confidently perform a variety of physical activities.
- Understand movement concepts, principles and tactics as they apply to various sports and modified games.
- Understand the importance of and make educated decisions about achieving and maintaining healthy lifestyles.
- Demonstrate responsible personal and social behaviour in physical activity settings
- Participate in extra curricula activities such as running club, fitness club, lunchtime sports and assorted carnivals and competitions.
In accordance with the Australian Curriculum the following Strands will be used in our HPE Program to meet students social, emotional and physical needs to build confident and physically literate learners:
- Personal, social and community health
- Being healthy, safe and active
- Communicating and interacting for health and well being
- Contributing to healthy and active communities
- Moving our body
- Understanding movement
- Learning through movement